Stem cell treatment
at Swiss Medica clinic
What results can you expect from stem cell treatment?
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Take a 30-second quiz to find out if this therapy is beneficial for a certain disease, how and why it works, and what the treatment involves.
Discover treatments that have been helping patients facing conditions such as arthritis, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, autism, Parkinson's and many more hard to treat diseases.
Swiss Medica clinic has been helping patients reclaim their quality of life for 8 years. Headquartered in Switzerland with clinics in Austria, Serbia, Slovenia, and Russia.
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What diseases can we treat with stem cells?
Stem cells help to eliminate the cause of disorders leading to a reduction in symptoms or a full recovery, depending on the initial condition, for (mostly) autoimmune disorders and/or diseases associated with tissue damage.

There is a large percentage of cases with a variety of diseases that have experienced health improvements. Applying only stem cells for some cases may be not enough. Cell therapy works more effectively when combined with other therapeutic methods that help decrease inflammation, restore mobility, activate the tissue repair process.
We've seen various levels of recovery after treating the following diseases (not a full list):

Neurological disorders
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Parkinson's disease
  • Dementia
  • Alzheimer's disease
  • Post-stroke condition
  • Injuries of CNS
  • Lyme disease
Endocrine diseases
  • Diabetes type 2
  • Diabetic foot
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Obesity
Musculoskeletal disorders
  • Arthritis
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Sports-related injuries complications
  • Athletic performance improvement
Digestive System Diseases
  • Crohn's disease
  • Cirrhosis of the liver
  • Peptic ulcer disease
  • Chronic pancreatitis
Respiratory diseases
  • COPD
  • Asthma
  • Allergic rhinitis
  • Sarcoidosis
Rheumatic diseases
  • Systemic scleroderma
  • Dermatomyositis
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Lupus
  • Vasculitides
It is important to understand that stem cells are not a guaranteed cure for every disease.The patient may be denied stem cell procedures for various reasons. The effectiveness of the therapy for a particular disease depends on multiple factors: duration of the illness, age of the patient, the existence of chronic conditions, hereditary predisposition, lifestyle, etc.
Is stem cell treatment effective for specific disease?
Pass the quiz test and you will know:
1. What expected results for the specific disease?
2. How and why Stem Cell Therapy works?
3. Case studies of the patients
Stroke treatment results after 4th therapy
- Able to eat, bite, chewing and swallow
- Toileting under control
- Improvement in his strength and speech
- Able to lift his legs, arms up and down
- Hold and grip by his arms
- Sitting for more than 8 hours
What are the patients results?
I feel significant improvement. It has changed my life.
I had to hold on to the handrail and literally pull my self up. Now I can walk. I no longer need an ankle brace and walking stick. I go to the gym 3 times a week.
Mobility improved. Bowel and urinary disappeared
"I feel like I'm 50 years old again. I'm 80% better from my admission"
Multiple Sclerosis
And more than 145 video success stories with vast variety disease
Parkinson's disease
Lyme disease
Multiple Sclerosis
Diabetes type 2
Kidney Disease
*Patient testimonials provided on this site are for informational purposes only and should not be considered as a guaranteed result for every case of illness. The treatment result depends on the disease, patient's condition, number of treatment procedures, etc.
Is stem cells treatments effective?
Subscribe to the newsletter and you will know:
1. How do stem cells work?
2. What diseases we are treating and getting results?
3. How effective is it for the specific disease?
4. Treatment results of the patients
Mass Media about
the results of our patients
Before and after MS treatment documented by UK television
Meet Patrick Van Benthem, 57 years old.
He has had Primary Progressive MS since 2006. For 10 years he was prescribed drugs to minimize its impact. Regardless, the disease quickly progressed. Patrick had to quit his job, couldn't drive a car, and couldn't enjoy regular activities. Steroids did nothing for him. He felt pain at every foot drop and couldn't even raise his legs. His entire arm had gone completely numb.
He went to his neurologist for help, who referred him for NHS stem cell treatment. But, Patrick was denied treatment because his MS had not progressed "enough" to meet the therapy's strict criteria.
So, Patrick made the life-changing decision to go overseas for treatment. UK television documented the entire process — from before treatment to recovery. The results are incredibly encouraging to anyone with MS or someone with a loved one who suffers from MS. Watch this video.
Swiss Medica patients documented by newspapers and magazines
Is stem cells treatments effective?
Subscribe to the newsletter and you will know:
1. How do stem cells work?
2. What diseases we are treating and getting results?
3. How effective is it for the specific disease?
4. Treatment results of the patients

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9403 Goldach, Switzerland
Branches: Russia, Serbia, Austria